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Showing posts from September, 2018

Teaching Procedures

  Teaching Procedures Many veteran teachers will tell you that the two most important things you can do during the first weeks of school are to teach procedures and routines and to build your classroom community. This blog post concerns the first point about teaching routines and procedures. Some tips for teaching procedures: Model exactly what you want the students to do and have them practice it over and over until they are doing it exactly the way you expect them to. Make a list of all the routines/procedures students need to know in order to be successful in your classroom and put them right into your lesson plans. Some examples of procedures that most teachers have are:quiet signal, how to enter the classroom in the morning, bathroom, how to walk in the hallway, how to get/store supplies, how/when to take a break, how to interact on the rug/at desks etc., how to pack up at the end of the day. Focus primarily on teaching procedures and building community the f...