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Showing posts from December, 2020


Sometimes the little comments and snubs made in class can stunt a student's educational progress. The comments, looks, or snubs could be characterized as microaggressions. Sometimes they are totally unintentional, like calling a student by another name, OR Calling upon the Asian students in Mathematics class when no one answers a question. Another example of microagression takes us to educator talk online or in the common area. Many educators are prejudiced against a look, how students dress, a behavior and how students express themselves in class. Many of the above behaviors are meant to be harmless, let us become more aware of how we react and interact. Here are some references for further study; BUILD AN ANTIRACIST TOOLBOX Ibram X. Kendi #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. Named to Time 100’s Most Influential People of 2020. New Book ~ Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019 See Books → https://www.t...