Please read and enjoy this reflection on the DKG International 2022 Convention by our STEP chair Gloria Brown Brooks: I was honored to be a greeter on the first day of our Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) 2022 convention. Although tired from their travels the majority of the participants had warm greetings and friendly hellos. One particularly enthusiastic greeting was “Alpha Alpha in the house!” The greetings carried throughout the lobby, as many sisters had not seen each other in a few years due to Covid-19. As soon as my volunteer time in the lobby was done, I went to a “NEWBEE” meeting. The NEWBEEs were first time International convention attendees. There were approximately 200 of us in attendance. There was also a room set aside for us to ask questions. My greeting partner was also a NEWBEE and we go to see each other again. I also met many new sisters in that room. I particularly enjoyed the Parliamentary procedures and the interactions and different points of view different states. ...